Imagine a world, without plastic bottles? Now a days, plastic bottles or plastic pollution becomes so dangerous that we have to stop using it. What will we do? Well, before we arrive at the limit of obligating this planet with plastic bottle, it’s smarter to adopt some better options to plastic bottles. Stainless steel bottles are the best solution to avoid the use of plastic bottles. They are Eco friendly and durable. Stainless steel bottles are made up of non-toxic material.
Plastic Pollution is perhaps the most serious issue in the current world. It is adding a ton of non-biodegradable waste to the land and polluting our assets. However, what is the significant source of Plastic Pollution? Plastic Bottles, all the more explicitly Single-Use Plastic Bottles are the significant source of plastic contamination.
According to a 2017 report from The Guardian, consistently, 1 million single-utilize plastic bottles are aired out each moment. Further, according to explore by National Geographic, just 9% of the all out plastic bottles produce, return for recycling. This implies over 90% plastic bottles never arrive at reusing stations and either end up in landfills, trash dumps and the direst outcome imaginable, in our seas.
Plastic bottles are a major danger to our current circumstance, in light of the fact that a solitary plastic bottle requires 1000 hours to rot totally as they are made of petrochemicals which are non-renewable. This implies that the plastic bottles will remain for a more extended time frame and harm our planet. Tragically, the bits of plastic are dwarfing ocean life in the proportion of 6:1. We are perched on a big time bomb called plastic.
It’s about time that we say bye to plastic bottle and start using stainless steel bottles since they just make our planet monstrous. Plastic bottles boycott work. A few different nations as of now boycott or confine them, including Bangladesh and China, where its utilization fell profoundly. Getting Bali to say bye-bye to the contamination could be the initial phase in making Indonesia plastic bag free.
Let’s take a pledge together to progressively dispose of our plastic addiction.